
Photo: Dai Tsukamoto

Kanako Sato / 佐藤佳奈子


その後渡英し、入学奨学金を得てイギリス・ロンドンの英国王立音楽院 Royal Academy of Music ピアノ科修士課程に入学。在学中、成績優秀者に贈られるThe Goetze Bequest Awardを受賞。Wilfrid Parry Prize入賞。優秀(Distinction)の成績を得て修了。名古屋の電気文化会館にてソロ・リサイタルを開催する。ソリストとしてセントラル愛知交響楽団と共演。





現在、金城学院大学 音楽芸術学科・現代子ども学科 非常勤講師。メニコンHITOMIホールアーティスト。2022・23年度公益財団法人日本芸術協会奨学生。

Kanako Sato is a Japanese-born pianist who trained herself in Japan and the UK. She is currently based in Japan, and eager to explore her professional career in both performing and teaching. Since being awarded a second prize at Yamaha Piano Festival Competition at age of nine, she has continuously appeared in several concerts and won numerous prizes and awards at competitions, including Aichi Piano Competition in 2010, Tokyo International Piano Competition in 2016, Burckhardt International Music Competition in 2018. In 2019, she won a First Prize at the Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition (Brussels) and performed at the Studio Hall of the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels as a prize winner. She is also a semi-finalist of XIV Campillos International Piano Competition (Spain), and a finalist of 24th Japan Piano Competition (Japan). She has received a Silver Prize at the 5th International Moscow Music Competition. She has won a third prize at 22th Juliusz Zarebski International Music Competition.

Since she gave a solo-recital at The Concert Hall (Denki-bunka Kaikan, Nagoya) where is one of the most significant recital halls in Japan in 2021, she has continuously appeared in various concerts in Japan such as Yamaha Grand Piano Salon Concert and Port Island Classic Concert at Japan Art Forum. She has been a recipient of Japan Institute of Arts Scholarship since 2022.

Kanako started playing the piano at age of three and continued her musical education at a music course of Kikuzato High School, and completed her bachelor’s degree of Arts at Kinjyo University under the guidance of Professor Masayo Baba and Emiko Kumagai. In 2018, to pursue further career as a solo pianist, she moved to London and started studying her master’s degree for Solo Piano at Royal Academy of Music under Professor Mei-Ting Sun, as an entrance Scholarship student. In 2019, for her achievement throughout the academic year, she received the Goetze Bequest Award. She graduated from the Academy in 2020 with Distinction.

Kanako also has attended several masterclasses and worked with renowned pianists such as Miroslav Kultyshev, Imogen Cooper. She participated in ‘Mozarteum Summer Academy’ (Austria) as a scholarship student in 2019, studying with Robert Levin, and also 'Kirishima International Music Festival' in 2021, studying with Susumu Aoyagi. She is also a private student of Evgeny Zarafiants.